
viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

el ocio de la albitaw

Todo empiezacon una albitaw muerta de aburrimiento que salio a explorar el liceo mientras la profe de tecnologica todabia estaba en paro xD ...

lala... to el rato dando juguito..xD
en ese momento...albitaw no se da cuenta de que estaba vanne y que tenia mucha hambre (en eso vanne ve a albitaw...)

que pasara con albitaw? se acabara su vida o seguira con su ocio? ..

comic hecho por vanne! .. fotos sacadas por alii... ^^ ...
friends are the best...

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

sorry for all...

I'll be honest... sometimes.. i feel like i'm the worst shit in the world...sometimes... i want die.. only die and just disappear of this fucking planet...but... friends they can always make me smile ... whatever happened they are there for me... and i want to live again... they are mys friends.. without their friendship... maybe... today i wasn't here.. so.. this post is for my six friends ... who are always there for me.. and ... i love you girls... really... love you...

with all my heart... and i hope our friendship stay for ever there... in our hearts.. ^^ ...

matta ne!

(yeah.. i'm nostalgic... but.. i don't care.. just i feel alone rigth now.. and i was write this in english obviusly because in spanish i can't say what i have in my head..)

MissMadness...(alii way)